Open Orthodoxy

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Sunday, April 01, 2007

Open Orthodox innovation: "synagogue without walls"

update 7/21/08: a short time after this blog post Kidma was removed from the Jewish News of Phoenix "Valley Congregations" page.

Here's some final chometz until after Pesach...

Even though it's April Fools' Day, this is no joke: Yeshivat Chovevei Torah musmach Rabbi Darren Kleinberg is now the rabbi of a "synagogue without walls".

Kleinberg's "synagogue" will "host occasional Shabbat services, most likely in private homes". Since this is a "synagogue without walls", does that include the mechitza?

Rabbi Kleinberg states "We don't see this as being a step back...". I agree. I think infrequent 'wall-less worshipping' is a radical step toward streamlining this whole religion thing. Next Open Orthodox innovation: synagogue without congregation and rabbi.

I just sent this letter to the Jewish News of Phoenix:


I read about Rabbi Darren Kleinberg's new "synagogue without walls" ("KiDMa changes focus", March 30) with great excitement. His innovative spirit has inspired me to establish the MPD (Multiple Personality Disorder) synagogue. In addition to my current personality I am developing nine others, creating a "synagogue without sanity". Minyanim will be available 24x7.

If the Jewish News continues to list alternative synagogues, such as the "synagogue without walls" on it's "Valley Congregations" page, I hope they will list mine as well.

(How's that for responding to the absurd with the absurd.)
